Sunday, 7 September 2014

Trials - Order of the day

The format of the day will be that players will trial in the morning and those selected will then take part in a squad training session in the afternoon (Feedback for non-selected players will happen during afternoon session by Management Team)

Please note that no persons other than D&W Coaching Team are to be within 3m of pitchside during any of the sessions

09:15-10:00 Registration & Bib allocation
10:00-10:10 Welcome
10:10-10:20 Player led Warm up
10:20-10:40 Fitness assessment (looking at work rate & attitude)
10:50-11:10 Handling (Focus on technique, communication and attitude)
11:20-11:50 Split-Forwards/Backs (Forwards: Scrimmage, Backs: Handling)
12:00-13:00 Game Play (3x15min games & Cool down)
13:00-13:30 Lunch (Selection during lunch)
13:30-13:40 Squad Announcement
13:50-14:00 Player led Warm up
14:00-15:00 Squad Training Session
15:10-15:30 Cool Down, Thank you and Debrief

Please ensure that all players bring food & drinks for the day along with suitable clothing and footwear, should weather change during the day